Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is now the best time to invest in SOUTH OCEANS™?
South Oceans™ is part of the East Economic Zone. Hence growth in real estate value is expected to grow at least 10 per cent per annum.

Additionally, a broad marketing spectrum to brand South Oceans™ will drive capital gains upwards.

2. With the Malaysia Ringgit at an all-time low, is buying or investing in a property or land in South Oceans™ worthwhile?
Now is the time to buy. Purchase low and sell high in two years when currency exchange value sees a correction to 2014 levels.

3. What are the anticipated capitals gains buyers and investors can expect, and how soon can these gains be realized?
At Funtasy Island where the Founders of South Oceans™ were Visionaries for the Riau Island master project, land values were raised from S$6 psf when it was bare land to S$350 psf in five years. South Oceans™ intends to replicate the same feat.

4. Upon purchasing a unit at South Oceans™ will buyer receive the 10-year renewable visa? Just for myself? Or can this be applied to my family?
South Oceans™ will assist the buyers and investors to secure the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) status which offers non-Malaysians a 10-year renewable visa.

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